Serrations beyond the involute gear wheels and the spline shafts implied by different standards (i.e. DIN 867, 5463, 5472, 5480, 9611 etc.) produced for non-driving aims can be manufactured - in certain circumstances - by generating technology for instance hobbing.
A geometrically method can be followed in the pictures right for defining the profile of the generating tools in case of such serrations which can be produced by generating at all.
On the top of the Picture 1 a sized-up workpiece can be seen specified the task in this way. The construction below shows the generating procedure and the covering curve on the group-of-workpiece-curves will be the tool profile i.e. for a hob at the bottom.
During the hobbing the workpiece the profile of the tool will define the profile of the workpiece (Picture at the bottom). The generating procedure is shown where the profile of the generating tool can be seen on the top which is earn by the tool designing process. The construction below shows the generating procedure and the generating tool can be seen on the top which is earn by the tool designing process. The construction below shows the generating procedure and the covering curve on the group-of-tool-curves will be the workpiece profile. The precision of the tool design can be overseen by the insertion of the workpiece into it at the bottom.